Hollywood in the 20s and 30s

Shooting the MGM lion logo (in 1924)

By the 1920s, most film production was controlled by eight studios known as "The Majors."

There were the "Big Five: Paramount, MGM, Fox, Warner Bros., and RKO

And the "Little Three." Universal, Columbia, and United Artists.

Next: control

Clapper symbolThere were many studios besides the 8 Majors. Most of these were known as the "Poverty Row" studios. Most of them were located near N. Grower Street (around the corner from Paramount). However, the term generally referred to any studio producing low budget pictures. Some Poverty Row studios were: Monogram Pictures, Grand National Films, and Tiffany Pictures. When we watch Breathless, later in the semester, note that it's dedicated to Monogram.

The picture, by the way, is one the series of lion shots that was used by MGM. The official name of the MGM lion is Leo but there have been several different animals used. This one is almost certainly "Jackie" who was used from 1928-1956. Note the microphone in the picture. There was an earlier silent lion! Note also that in addition to appearing as the MGM logo, "Jackie" appeared in over 100 films, including the Tarzan movies.